Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Introducing...Betty Videto

Betty Videto is our first "Member Feature". Check out the Tab and read more about this remarkable lady!

Monday, October 4, 2010


• A computer with an Internet connection
• Friends who are also on Facebook & Twitter
• An e-mail address (one where you do not mind receiving Facebook & Twitter e-mails)

1. Go to: www.facebook.com. Fill out the registration form displayed on the right hand side of the screen; all of the fields must be completed in order to continue.
2. Find Friends by sharing your e-mail account and password. Facebook will use e-mail addresses stored in your e-mail account address book to find friends that may be on Facebook.
3. Fill out some of your profile info such as what company you work for and where you went to school. Again, this is completely optional.
4. Add a profile picture. People will see this and recognize it as your profile photo.
5. Start surfing around. Write a status update, search for high school friends and work colleagues, upload and share photos. Just have fun.

1. Go to: www.twitter.com. Click on “sign up” on the right hand side of the page.
2. Fill out the registration; all of the fields must be completed in order to continue. You will need to create a username.
3. Browse Interests for which you may want to follow people. Follow folks that sound interesting to you.
4. Add friends. Similar to Facebook, Twitter helps you find friends when you share you e-mail account and password.
5. Search for anyone. Seriously, anyone in the world. Twitter allows you to follow just about any friend or celebrity you can imagine.
6. Start surfing around. Look for famous folks, write updates, and create lists. Have fun.

• To sign back on to Facebook or Twitter go to www.facebook.com or Twitter.com and enter your e-mail address and password in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Twitter asks you to click “Sign in.”
• Learn how to change your privacy settings. Privacy settings allow you to limit the information others see on your profile.
• Not everyone will see your profile, but everyone can.

SAPA is Live Streaming

If you are unable to attend a SAPA meeting, you can still enjoy the speaker for the day. Listen and watch here...