
Bylaws of the Staff-Administration Personnel Association of Spring Arbor University


The name of this organization shall be Staff-Administration Personnel Association.


To promote communication, fellowship, and increased service effectiveness within the staff and administrative personnel and with the other constituencies of the university community, namely the President’s Executive Team, Faculty and Students.


SECTION 1. This association shall include all contracted employees of Spring Arbor University not classified as President’s Executive Team members or Faculty.  President’s Executive Team are considered ex-officio members.

SECTION 2.  The Faculty and Student Association may elect one representative each to the Staff-Administrative Personnel Association.


SECTION 1.  The officers of the Staff-Administrative Personnel Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Staff Benefits Committee Chairperson and Staff Benefits Committee Chair elect.  These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.

SECTION 2.  The Staff-Administrative Personnel Association shall elect a representative to each of the following campus organizations; Faculty and Student Association.

SECTION 3.  Elected officers and representatives shall serve one year (from July 1st to June 30) with existing officers assisting with transition through the summer months.

SECTION 4a.  The officers of the Association as specified in Article IV, Section 1 and the elected representatives as specified in Article IV, Section 2 shall constitute the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the Association President.

SECTION 4b.  The Executive Committee shall be a preliminary review board for all proposals, and shall have responsibility to establish the formal agenda for Association meetings.

SECTION 4c.  The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association between its business meetings, shall fix the hour and the place of meetings, and shall perform other duties as are specified in these bylaws.  The Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of the Association, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Association.

SECTION 5. Upon termination of employment, acquisition of non-staff or administrative personnel employment status, or resignation by any officer or representative, the position shall be declared vacant by the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee shall act as a nominating committee to provide nominations for the position vacated and to present these to the Association for its action at the earliest practicable date.


SECTION 1.  The regular meetings of the Staff-Administrative Personnel Association shall be held monthly on the first Tuesday of September through May, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 2.  Special meetings may be called by the Association President, the Executive Committee, or upon the written request of ten members of the Association.  The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call.  Except in cases of emergency, at least three days notice shall be given.

SECTION 3.  All votes shall be decided by majority vote of those present at any given meeting. Electronic and absentee votes received by posted deadline will be counted as if members were present.


The rules in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.


SECTION 1.  The Executive Committee shall act as a nominating committee to provide nominations for the positions of Association offices and representatives names in Article IV, Sections 1 & 2.  The election of these officers shall take place at the final meeting of the spring term.

SECTION 2.  The Executive Committee shall make appointments to special task forces and committees when necessary. 

SECTION 3.  The standing committees shall be the Benefits Committee and the Benevolent Committee.  The Association President shall be ex-officio member of the standing committees and all special task forces and committees.  The Association Vice President shall chair the Benevolent Committee.

SECTION 3a.  The Benefits Committee consists of the Chair, Chair-Elect and a representative from the membership appointed by the Chair.  The Benefits Committee duties are: review all policy (employee handbook and/or website) concerning salaries and fringe benefits; recommend improvements or additions in policy, salary, or fringe benefits through a proposal to the Director of Human Resources and the Vice President of Business Affairs; serve as a voice of the Staff-Administration Personnel in matters of individual or collective concern on conditions of employment; recommend, as appropriate, ways to improve systems of communication between administration and employees; seek out, publicize, and communicate discounts and other employee benefits available; provide employees with a list of tangible benefits (fitness center, athletic events, tuition benefit, chapel, Christmas week break).  Promote employee use of the Human Resources information available on their web site.

SECTION 3b.  The Benevolent Committee consists of the Chair (SAPA Vice President), an elected SAPA member, an elected faculty member and the SAPA President that serves as ex-officio.  The Benevolent Committee is established to assist employees with emergency financial needs. SAU employees have the option to donate a small amount (usually $1) of their monthly paycheck to a benevolent fund that is used to help out SAU employees when unexpected expenses arise. Distributions may be considered for any faculty, staff, or administrative personnel whose personal or immediate family financial needs has been brought to the attention of the benevolent committee. Needs will be evaluated by the benevolent committee on an individual basis as unanticipated, financial emergencies arise to an employee’s family. The amount of the distribution will depend upon need and availability of funds; however the maximum is $1,000 per person per year.  Once a decision is made by the benevolent committee regarding the request for funds, the Chair of the committee will fill out the necessary paperwork for a check and then will also deliver in person or mail the check with a letter of explanation of this financial gift. 


These bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.