
SAPA Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2011

Call to Order:
President Gwen Hersha called our May meeting to order at 10:00am in the Ralph Carey Forum.

Our refreshments were provided by the business office today. Thank you!

·         The 2011-12 SAPA officers were introduced. They are:
o   Stephanie Bartell – president
o   Marie Slisher – vice president
o   Donna Bentle – secretary
o   Steve Newton – benefits chair
o   Gary Mason – benefits chair elect
o   Dave Goodrich – faculty representative
o   Lorie Cornell – SGA representative
·         Gwen explained the SAPA Distinguished Service Award and announced that the nomination form would be sent to everyone via email. She encouraged everyone to nominate someone.
·         Following today’s meeting a survey will be posted on the SAPA blog for everyone to fill out with their comments about this year’s programming and suggestions for next year.

Mary Darling
Steve Newton introduced Mary Darling, associate professor in the Department of Communication & Media. She spoke to us about the sacred act of listening. She told us about barriers to listening and how to be good listeners.

SAU Trivia:
Our SAUtoids winner this month is Heather Foster from the admissions office. Congratulations, Heather!

Door Prizes:
Lorie Cornell and Steve Newton drew names for today’s door prize winners and “punch” prize winners for people who had perfect or near-perfect attendance at this year’s SAPA meetings.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00. Our next gathering will be the annual SAPA picnic at Somerset Beach Campground on Wednesday, June 15, at 1:00.

Submitted by:
Carol Ann Bunnell, secretary