Prez Council Minutes

President’s Council

June 14, 2011

Present: Chuck Webb, Matt Osborne, Jeff Edwards, Cliff Miller, Sarah Crane, Brent Ellis, Kim Hayworth, Natalie Gianetti, Jerry White,  Betty Overton-Adkins, Stephanie Bartell, Ann Tschirhart

Unable to Attend: Hannah Adams, Sam Riggleman, Jeff Knoll

We shared a Renovare quote and opened with prayer.

Chuck Webb (President of SAU)

·         General Conference – we will have a booth and SAU will host a dessert.  SAU will send several representatives.  We will also have several faculty members going out for a book signing.

·         For the August President’s Council, the Athletics Dept. has been asked to share about what’s happening in that area.


Jeff Edwards (Vice President of Technology Services)        

·         SAU received a customer service award from Jenzabar at their annual conference.

·         Several areas of campus are still not wireless.  This will be looked at this summer and efforts will be made to make all of campus wireless as soon as it is financially & technologically feasible.

·         Refreshing and updating are in progress.

Cliff Miller (Michindoh)

·         Michindoh is in full swing

·         A large majority of the summer staff is from SAU

Sarah Crane (Coordinator of Special Events/Communications, President's Office)

·         Dedication for Soccer Complex – at Homecoming, Saturday, Oct. 8th at 1:30p.m.

·         Next Arbor Arts Fair will be at Homecoming, 2012.

Brent Ellis (Vice President for Advancement and President, Spring Arbor University Foundation)

·         Wrapping up the fiscal year

·         Student Center campaign is ongoing. 

Kim Hayworth (Vice President for Student Development and Learning)

·         Gave personnel updates.

·         Working with planning for the Student Center building project.

·         Coaches and student athletes are in Montana for the Leadership Institute this week.

Natalie Gianetti (Interim Dean of GPS)

·         Working with new book distributors

·         Working with Dr. Betty to set goals for this year.

·         Strengthening communication within GPS and also with other areas of the University is a priority.

Jerry White (Vice President for Finance and Administration)

·         Gave construction updates.

·         Still working on end-of-year budget numbers.

Betty Overton-Adkins (Provost & Chief Academic Officer)

·         Gave an enrollment update for returning students.

·         Gave a personnel update.

Stephanie Bartell (President of SAPA)

·         The SAPA picnic is tomorrow

Ann Tschirhart (Assistant Vice President for University Communications)

·         Shared about high school graduate decisions about where they’re going to college.  Most are deciding to go to public schools.