Monday, December 20, 2010

SAPA serves up ELF, cocoa and Christmas goodies

The Christmas Open House for SAU students on December 13th was a success!  

 Many thanks to those of you who contributed ingredients for hot cocoa and treats for students stopping in for a late evening “study break”.   

The movie ELF was on the big screen, the fireplace was glowing, the espresso machine was chugging away, and Rob even showed up in his elf costume!
Nathan Randall cranked out the hot cocoa, Duane Skene took care of the movie, Gary Mason and Greg Bentle made their way to several buildings on campus – personally inviting students to the event.  

Many other SAPA folks helped set up, visited with students and each other during the event, served goodies, and helped clean up. 

Thanks to everyone for participating – it was a great way to say Merry Christmas to our students!

Lunch (and more) for a buck

On Tuesday, December 7th, SAPA sponsored a Buck Lunch for its members.

Over 100 folks signed in at the Dining Commons, paid $1, and carried their food to the Ralph Carey Forum to meet with others for lunch.

This year the Faculty Forum, led by President John Williams, joined with SAPA for a 2-hour, come-and-go lunch in a festive atmosphere.

Carol Ann Bunnell trimmed the tables with greens and candles, and arranged musical performances from our very own students and staff!

Steve and Lorie brought a Christmas tree, and awarded door prizes throughout the event.

A big thanks to all who participated!

Let us know what you enjoyed about the event by leaving a comment below.