Friday, March 4, 2011

GPS December 2010 Employee of the Month

We would like to recognize Janet Vannest as our December Employee of the Month. We recognize Janet’s longevity with SAU and the various roles she has filled. Janet has been a recruiter, assessment counselor, academic advisor, registrar, academic coordinator, coordinator of academic services, and a fine faculty member. She has enthusiastically taken on every role and has done a great job in each. Janet is a joy to work with and always friendly, helpful, and willing to go the extra mile. Janet will receive a gift certificate as a small token of appreciation.

 Special recognition to:

Janet Vannest

Academic Advisor/Instructor – Bay City/Flint Sites
              Please join us in congratulating Janet!

GPS February 2011 Employee of the Month

Special recognition to

Sara Lancaster

We would like to recognize Sara Lancaster as our February Employee of the Month. Sara has a reputation for working “overtime” to provide top-notch customer service to our MSN applicants and cohorts while maintaining her other responsibilities, all under deadline pressure! Sara puts herself in the shoes of the students and thinks of ways to ease their stress in order to make their SAU experience a very positive one. Sara is creative in the use of technology to find better, faster, more efficient ways to expedite the enrollment process. She is always cheerful with a smile you can “see” over the phone, and consistently delivers more than promised, faster than promised. Sara will receive a gift certificate as a small token of appreciation.

GPS January 2011 Employee of the Month

Special recognition goes to

Amanda Herron

Student Services Coordinator
Midwest Region – Kalamazoo Site

We would like to recognize Amanda Herron as our January Employee of the Month. Amanda is always upbeat and encouraging to students and staff and has used her gift for encouragement to assist students in crisis to stay the course and complete their programs. Her innovative ideas and organizational skills have been a benefit to other staff and have contributed to more efficient and cost effective processes at the site. Amanda was recently involved in coordinating a very successful food drive, raising over 1,150 food items for the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission and Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes organizations. Amanda is a blessing to all and a very positive reflection of both SAU and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Amanda will receive a gift certificate as a small token of appreciation.

Congratulations, Amanda!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SAPA nomination form

Download your SAPA nomination form here:

Please submit the form to Carol Ann Bunnell by Tuesday, March 22nd.

SAPA nom form