Thursday, April 14, 2011

Listening is a Spiritual Thing

On May 3rd, we will welcome Mary Darling, Associate Professor of Communication, to our last SAPA meeting of the year. Mary will share thoughts about listening from her latest book, Connecting Like Jesus, which she co-authored with well-known communicator, Tony Campolo. Something you may not know:  Connecting Like Jesus was a required text in the COR 100 sections this year.  A few quotes from the book to get you thinking...

"We can learn to 'listen in the moment' no matter what is going on in our lives."

 "Jesus listened, not for what he needed to hear, but for what others needed to   say and have him hear."

"When we listen to the deepest needs and concerns of another's soul, we affirm his or her very personhood."

A copy of Connecting Like Jesus, courtesy of Shar Fortress in the Bookstore, will be given away during the meeting.

Visit Mary's website....

Announcing....the 2011-2012 SAPA Committee

Stephanie Bartell (Admissions)

Vice President
Marie Slisher (Academic Affairs)

Donna Bentle (Business Office)

Benefits Chair
Steve Newton (Student Development)

Benefits Chair Elect
Gary Mason (Admissions)

Faculty Representative
David Goodrich (Technology Services)

Student Government Association Representative
Lorie Cornell (Student Development)

Be sure to extend your congratulations!