Friday, January 7, 2011

It's my pleasure to introduce...

I’ve personally been waiting for the January SAPA meeting (18th).  Early this fall, our committee chose to include the session “living out our faith at work” based on the feedback we had received from you (surveys and comments), and with which we agreed was a rich and appropriate topic for our meetings.  Then - having Robin Smith agree to present the session was like ‘frosting on the cake’.
A few words that come to mind when I think of Robin:  energetic, busy, fun-loving, adventurous, serious, committed, shining light. [You can add your own words as a “comment” below]
For seven and a half years, Robin has been a member of the Spring Arbor Community; first as a Financial Aid Counselor, and then in the Student Development Office.  She is also an adjunct instructor for GPS, teaching ORM 533 Spirituality in the Workplace.
Robin has served on the SAPA Benefits Committee – enjoying the chance to work with other SAU employees, ask questions and clarify policy.  She is a huge NFL fan, cheers for the Colts, loves to read, be outdoors, go to the beach, and visit Mexico.  
Family:  Husband, Homer, who works in University Advancement; Jenna 24, who lives in Indiana with her family, Ryne 22, who is the Mongolian Chef in the Dining Commons. [She says Ryne gets his tattoos from her]
Job Title:  Director of Student Success and Freshman Programming
Favorite thing about working at SAU:  “The community…LOVE IT!!!”
Something we wouldn’t know:  She has a metal rod in her back that holds her spine up straight
Most embarrassing (“horrifying”) moment:  Mistakenly calling the parent of a deceased student to discuss a loan application…right name, wrong ID number.  Yikes!  “…taught me a valuable lesson about ALWAYS checking the details in CARS.”
When asked what she’d like to say to the SAPA members, she replied:  “OWN IT”, which happens to be the 2010 New Student Orientation theme.  “Therefore, prepare your minds for action.” I Peter 1:13.  OWN IT. 

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