Thursday, February 17, 2011

SAUs Precious Gem

Our March keynote is Dr. Garnet Hauger from the mathematics department.  Her many professional roles on campus have given her the opportunity to hone her skills pertaining to her topic “Dealing with Difficult People.”  She has the integrity to teach this topic from the perspective of godly virtues of leadership, as well as lessons learned through mistakes.
Garnet is in her fortieth consecutive year of teaching at SAU and currently carries the title of Emeritus Faculty in Mathematics.  Although, now trying to scale back her campus responsibilities as a pseudo-retiree, she has held the following positions:  Chair of the Natural Science Division, Chair of the Math/Computer Science/Physics
department, and Dean of the school of Arts and Sciences.
Garnet brings a wealth of knowledge to her job both from her experience and her education, including her BS and MA in Mathematics from Illinois State University, A second Masters in Probability and Statistics from MSU and her PHD in Educational Psychology from MSU. 
So what does Garnet do in her free time?  She reads novels to widen her experience with people in other times, cultures, and circumstances, enjoys Sudoku puzzles and considers herself a “minesweeper” expert.  She is very involved at her church as treasurer, and part of the worship team (where she sings Alto, in case anybody wondered).  She enjoys her daily walks, and walking through life with her husband John.  She keeps life relatively simple, with a focus on family, faith and modeling the role of a life-long learner.

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