Thursday, May 5, 2011

Congratulations to Steve Reed

Steve Reed, the 2011 Punch Prize Winner

SAPA’s 2011 Punch Prize goes to Steve Reed of Financial Aid.  Grand Prize was a $50 Gift Card to Red Lobster.  Congratulations Steve – and the 7 other SAPA members who had perfect attendance at all of our meetings this year!

SAPA meetings were well attended throughout the year, with an average of 60 staff present at monthly meetings.  The SAUToid contest was a hit – and produced 8 winners throughout the year – thanks for joining in the fun! 

Several offices worked together to provide refreshments for our meetings – the spread of delicious snacks were always a welcome sight! Thanks to each of you who donated and baked, organized and arranged the refreshment table.

SAPA continued to provide door prizes this year – with the most annoying prize being a pack of disposable razors!  (we finally got rid of them all).  The most appreciated prizes were the Sacred Grounds coupons – and most valuable prizes were the books that followed the theme of each meeting.

I’d like to express a special thanks to the following committee members who made each meeting come together with success:  Lorie Cornell, Carol Ann Bunnell, Terry McClintic, Steve Newton, Rob Kingsley, and Stephanie Bartell.

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