Monday, December 20, 2010

SAPA serves up ELF, cocoa and Christmas goodies

The Christmas Open House for SAU students on December 13th was a success!  

 Many thanks to those of you who contributed ingredients for hot cocoa and treats for students stopping in for a late evening “study break”.   

The movie ELF was on the big screen, the fireplace was glowing, the espresso machine was chugging away, and Rob even showed up in his elf costume!
Nathan Randall cranked out the hot cocoa, Duane Skene took care of the movie, Gary Mason and Greg Bentle made their way to several buildings on campus – personally inviting students to the event.  

Many other SAPA folks helped set up, visited with students and each other during the event, served goodies, and helped clean up. 

Thanks to everyone for participating – it was a great way to say Merry Christmas to our students!

Lunch (and more) for a buck

On Tuesday, December 7th, SAPA sponsored a Buck Lunch for its members.

Over 100 folks signed in at the Dining Commons, paid $1, and carried their food to the Ralph Carey Forum to meet with others for lunch.

This year the Faculty Forum, led by President John Williams, joined with SAPA for a 2-hour, come-and-go lunch in a festive atmosphere.

Carol Ann Bunnell trimmed the tables with greens and candles, and arranged musical performances from our very own students and staff!

Steve and Lorie brought a Christmas tree, and awarded door prizes throughout the event.

A big thanks to all who participated!

Let us know what you enjoyed about the event by leaving a comment below.

Monday, November 29, 2010


SAPA members were well-represented at the November 20, 2010 Commencement ceremonies.  We are proud of you –colleagues and SAPA members - for completing your degree!

Bachelor of Arts
Sharon McCarrell – Registration & Records
Susan Panak – White Library Archives
Dawn Reynolds – White Library
Ashley VanHeest – Jackson

Master of Arts
Chrissandra Caldwell, MA
Liz Dusseau – Campus Admissions
Rachel Jolly – Lansing
Jim Madden – Kalamazoo
Emily Mitchell - Admissions
Regina Richardson – Toledo

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SAPA Buck Lunch on Tuesday, December 7th

Join us for the:

SAPA Buck Lunch
(in conjunction with Faculty Forum)
Tuesday, December 7
Ralph Carey Forum

Pay $1 and sign in with the cashier in the DC.
Get your food and drink and come downstairs.
Relax and enjoy fellowship in a festive Christmas atmosphere.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Introducing...Betty Videto

Betty Videto is our first "Member Feature". Check out the Tab and read more about this remarkable lady!

Monday, October 4, 2010


• A computer with an Internet connection
• Friends who are also on Facebook & Twitter
• An e-mail address (one where you do not mind receiving Facebook & Twitter e-mails)

1. Go to: Fill out the registration form displayed on the right hand side of the screen; all of the fields must be completed in order to continue.
2. Find Friends by sharing your e-mail account and password. Facebook will use e-mail addresses stored in your e-mail account address book to find friends that may be on Facebook.
3. Fill out some of your profile info such as what company you work for and where you went to school. Again, this is completely optional.
4. Add a profile picture. People will see this and recognize it as your profile photo.
5. Start surfing around. Write a status update, search for high school friends and work colleagues, upload and share photos. Just have fun.

1. Go to: Click on “sign up” on the right hand side of the page.
2. Fill out the registration; all of the fields must be completed in order to continue. You will need to create a username.
3. Browse Interests for which you may want to follow people. Follow folks that sound interesting to you.
4. Add friends. Similar to Facebook, Twitter helps you find friends when you share you e-mail account and password.
5. Search for anyone. Seriously, anyone in the world. Twitter allows you to follow just about any friend or celebrity you can imagine.
6. Start surfing around. Look for famous folks, write updates, and create lists. Have fun.

• To sign back on to Facebook or Twitter go to or and enter your e-mail address and password in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Twitter asks you to click “Sign in.”
• Learn how to change your privacy settings. Privacy settings allow you to limit the information others see on your profile.
• Not everyone will see your profile, but everyone can.

SAPA is Live Streaming

If you are unable to attend a SAPA meeting, you can still enjoy the speaker for the day. Listen and watch here...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Come with an open mind


Hometown:  Sullivan, Wisconsin

Family:  Husband, Aaron and Fudge

Favorite thing about working at SAU  “The best thing about working at SAU, is that I get to use my education everyday in my job” 

[Editor’s note:  as she studied sociology at the undergraduate and graduate levels, she was always told she would never use what she had learned in her work – she enjoys proving them all wrong!]

Stephanie Bartell is the Director of enrollment and market research for Spring Arbor University.  She has been in this position for just over one year.  Stephanie does a couple things in her work:  She investigates when someone has an idea for a new program – creates surveys or whatever it takes to do a market search that shows the climate for that program, and for existing programs that aren’t well-attended, she conducts research to find out why.

A recent event in her life is buying a house and working on it with her husband Aaron.  The best thing about that?  She has taken lots of pictures from the beginning to now, and it’s great to look back and see how far they’ve come.  The worse thing about it?  "Realizing that your husband isn’t as handy at fixing things as your Dad was."

Stephanie volunteered to create a presentation for us on social networking.  Whether we are good at it, or don’t know anything about it, this meeting will have something for everyone.  She hopes we all come with an open mind; ready to learn something new.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Minutes of 9/21 are posted

To see minutes from our September 21 meeting, click on the "Minutes" tab above.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kick-Off with Steve Newton

We look forward to hearing from Steve at our first SAPA meeting on September 21st.  Steve has a rich history at SAU - first as a student - and now 16 years in Student Development.  Various roles at SAU include working with sophomore student retention, student discipline, and overseeing ministry groups on campus.  Steve is an active COR 100 instructor and is serving this year as Chair-Elect on the Benefits Committee for SAPA.

  • Hometown - Petersburg, Indiana
  • Family -  wife Jami and two daughters: Kara and Beth
  • Favorite thing about working at SAU - "staff is like family"
  • Quote:  "What I enjoy the most [about my work at SAU] is my one-on-one's with students."

First SAPA meeting for the 2010-2011 academic year

SAPA is pleased to announce our first meeting of the 2010-2011 school year.  Details are…

When:  Tuesday, September 21st

Time:  10 – 11am

Where:  Ralph Carey Forum

Topic: 3 ways into the lives of students

Speaker:  Steve Newton

Come for food and prizes.  Stay for the SAPA community.