Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kick-Off with Steve Newton

We look forward to hearing from Steve at our first SAPA meeting on September 21st.  Steve has a rich history at SAU - first as a student - and now 16 years in Student Development.  Various roles at SAU include working with sophomore student retention, student discipline, and overseeing ministry groups on campus.  Steve is an active COR 100 instructor and is serving this year as Chair-Elect on the Benefits Committee for SAPA.

  • Hometown - Petersburg, Indiana
  • Family -  wife Jami and two daughters: Kara and Beth
  • Favorite thing about working at SAU - "staff is like family"
  • Quote:  "What I enjoy the most [about my work at SAU] is my one-on-one's with students."


  1. Great job, Steve. Thanks for reminding us to be more intentional about letting others (particularly students) into our lives.

  2. Your message was very applicable. I'll be more intentional about praying for the student workers in my office. Thanks!
