Monday, September 27, 2010

Come with an open mind


Hometown:  Sullivan, Wisconsin

Family:  Husband, Aaron and Fudge

Favorite thing about working at SAU  “The best thing about working at SAU, is that I get to use my education everyday in my job” 

[Editor’s note:  as she studied sociology at the undergraduate and graduate levels, she was always told she would never use what she had learned in her work – she enjoys proving them all wrong!]

Stephanie Bartell is the Director of enrollment and market research for Spring Arbor University.  She has been in this position for just over one year.  Stephanie does a couple things in her work:  She investigates when someone has an idea for a new program – creates surveys or whatever it takes to do a market search that shows the climate for that program, and for existing programs that aren’t well-attended, she conducts research to find out why.

A recent event in her life is buying a house and working on it with her husband Aaron.  The best thing about that?  She has taken lots of pictures from the beginning to now, and it’s great to look back and see how far they’ve come.  The worse thing about it?  "Realizing that your husband isn’t as handy at fixing things as your Dad was."

Stephanie volunteered to create a presentation for us on social networking.  Whether we are good at it, or don’t know anything about it, this meeting will have something for everyone.  She hopes we all come with an open mind; ready to learn something new.

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